The Beautiful Schools for Africa Concert and Silent Auction, Sunday Feb. 15th 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

novalis-staff.jpgFrancois le Roux

Beautiful Schools ProjectHave you bought your ticket yet? Preparations are now under way for our upcoming Beautiful Schools for Africa Concert and Silent Auction next Sunday February 15th at 16H00 here at the Institute's Resource Centre in Wynberg. Tickets are on sale for just R50 each, and can be bought online.

The concert will feature South African performance artist Ha! Man (Francois le Roux) whose music reflects Southern Africa’s roots and his spontaneous approach to playing the cello, combined with other electronic instruments and theatricals. He challenges conventional ideas in both the serious and commercial music environment.

Ticket prices are just R50, and all proceeds from the concert and auction will benefit the Institute’s “Beautiful Schools Programme”, a holistic initiative that employs innovative and creative strategies that will enable the best environment for effective teaching and learning in South African schools.

We are currently soliciting donated items for the auction. Example of items can include Art, Gift Certificates/Vouchers, Antiques, Toys, etc. If you would like to contribute, please contact Gabriel Gonsalves, Concert and Auction Chair at 021-797-1857 or 079-039-9693. Or simply download this form, and fax back to us. All donations are tax deductible!