Growing our own Veggies with Kirsten

Friday, May 22, 2009

Permaculture.jpgWhen was the last time you ate an organic salad with vegetables fully grown in your own garden? Here at Novalis Ubuntu, we do just that at least once a month thanks to our Permaculture trainer Kirsten, and the dedicated sponsorship of the Light Center of Kansas.

The Whole Foods Garden project is a part of our Orphan and Vulnerable Children's Programme (OVC) and teaches each children's home how to grow their own food. It is also a project we implement right here at the Institute and a very special part of our everyday lives. As part of the continued training, during the month of March Kirstern conducted two training sessions for our staff and community members: How to start your own worm farm and restore a healthy soil, and How to Grow your Own Food. Here's a picture of Kirsten speaking about the importance of mulching the top soil in order to allow the moisture to stay on the ground.