OVC News: Thank you Claire! We'll miss you!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
After nearly three years pioneering the development and successful implementation of our Orphan and Vulnerable Children's Programme (OVC) our beloved Claire Barry (center), will step down from her post as Program Manager in order to continue her exciting journey of life. We are very sad to see her go, and wish her all the best in the world, knowing that she's already riding high on the wings of creativity, joy and success!
We are very grateful to Claire for all those years she dedicated to the successful implementation of her vision, by patiently and organically crafting a very powerful transformational programme. Since its inception, the programme has positively affected the lives of more than 2,000 South African children, their caretakers, their communities and their homes. Without her instrumental guidance and enthusiasm, this programme would have never been possible.
Claire will be replaced by the wonderful Mrs. Bea Juries (top left). We have no doubt that Mrs. Bea will continue to help expand the vision of our Orphan and Vulnerable Children's Programme (OVC) and we would like to publicly welcome her, knowing that we believe she's the most qualified person to lead this wonderful programme, and wish her much success! Welcome to the Novalis Ubuntu Institute Mrs. Bea!
The Orphan and Vulnerable Children's Programme (OVC), which brings a creative intervention into the lives of orphan and vulnerable children and their caretakers has been made possible thanks to the generous donation of the Swedish Government (Forum Syd) through the SOFIA Foundation.
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