Success Story: 46 Aprons for our Go-Go's
Sunday, March 15, 2009
On Feb. 19th, a group of South African Go-Go's received 46 aprons which were specially hand made by volunteers in the U.S. in support of South African Grandmothers (Go-Go's). It was a day of celebration, love and gratitude for this strong group of women who stand as the backbone of our society.
The atmosphere was festive and jovial at the little house in Langa where Siyaphambili Orphan Village, Ndileka Xameni's initiative, resides. As we entered the crowded patio, we were greeted by more than 40 South African grandmothers (Go-Go's) with a plate of food. "You arrived just on time!" One of them said. "The Celebration is about to begin."
As we sat down to eat a delicious plate of home made food, Mary Stuart, a U.S. volunteer from the The Light Center of Kansas, accompanied by a group of several volunteers from the United States, proceeded to gift each Go-Go with a beautifully hand-crafted apron, as a symbol of recognition and gratitude for the labor these courageous women undergo each day. These aprons were the result of many hours of labor by volunteers in the United States who wanted South African Go-Go's to know that they feel for them, and that they are also standing beside them.
In case you are not aware, South African Go-Go's have been one of the most affected population groups after losing their daughters to HIV/AIDS and having to become heads of households again, some of them having to act as mothers and fathers of their own and others' grandchildren.
During the ceremony the Go-Go's shared their successes, their failures, their feelings and support for each other. They sang, danced, and continued to honor each others' efforts to uplift their families, ensuring their grandchildren stay in schools and are properly cared for. "These women need each other, they need the support of their community to do the work they do in helping their families. That is why I created a weekly support group. I don't want them to feel that they are all alone. We have each other." Said Ndeleka Xameni who leads the weekly support group in Langa as part of the Institute's OVC Programme.
On behalf of the Novalis Ubuntu Institute, we would like to thank all the volunteers in the United States including Robin Goff and Mary Frost, as well as other individuals who through The Light Center in Kansas made this event possible. Thank you for your love and compassion, and most important for showing your support to this wonderful group of grandmothers. Thank you Ndileka for continuing to hold these support groups. We at Novalis Ubuntu are very proud of you.
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